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Effective Leadership by DrLizSpeaks

One of the most effective approaches to leading others is to guide them with compassion. Many years ago, it was taboo to connect with your staff on a "personal" level. However, I believe that getting to know them creates a positive work space; it may, in fact, motivate them to enjoy coming to work.

Everyone on your team is different. Respect and embrace the diversity. It's important to understand that they're human beings comprised of varying experiences and emotions. Connecting with them demonstrates that you care about them beyond the day to day execution.

Find ways to bond by getting to know:

  • What they enjoy doing outside of work?
  • What motivates them?
  • How can they connect their level of engagement for the activities enjoyed outside of the workplace with what they do in their everyday work?

I believe getting to know your team in this manner will not only improve productivity but enhance workplace comradery, trust, and sense of belonging.

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